It’s a process, people.

Introducing Melissa, the photographer.
(excuse the “myspaceness” of this photo)
So I did it. It happened. I bought myself a big girl camera.
This is one of my lenses. I look like a little girl on Christmas morning.
Because I pretty much was. 
After saving, saving and more saving the camera stork delivered my Canon Rebel T2i.
I couldn’t stop taking pictures.
My very first picture! I know. I’m a natural 🙂

Finally able to capture one of our beautiful sunsets!
I have wanted to take a picture of this cactus since we moved in in November. Sweet. Long. Last.  

I know there are going to be lots of bumps a long the way. I promise to post my (hopefully) good photos and my not so good photos, so we can laugh together. Not every picture will be “picture perfect”.. I can accept that and own it. It’s gonna be a process, people. Deal.
On the plus side, you will get to see these blogs a lot more often.
Perhaps I’ll even have more than 2 1/2 followers!

About melissaivyphotography

Photos are my love language. Phoenix Photographer
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2 Responses to It’s a process, people.

  1. bmbielb says:

    Ok, I'm down for the journey. I'm proud of you for saving up for a good camera and practicing along the way with your old camera. Please take some pics of Josh watching football on Sundays too.

  2. The Duerrs says:

    Thanks for the encouragement Brian! And lots of photos of Josh to come 🙂 He is my favorite subject, of course!

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