Challenge 3 & 4

Today is consolidation day: 2 in 1.
(as many more may be. Teacher life is busy, peeps)
Day 3: Clouds.
 I wasn’t sure clouds would be provided for me yesterday. But they were. Thanks God, that was kind 🙂
Otherwise, I would have had to be all artsy about it (My hubs had a great idea, this whole camera thing might be bringing out his inner-artist as well. I like it)

Day 4: Something Green
 This is my juice this morning. Yummy!
Kale, spinach, carrots, and lots of apples. lots of them are needed to balance out the veggies.
And I enjoy this picture. I know it’s just a cup. with juice. on a counter. But I like it and will be proud of it.
Also, expect a future blog on all of my photography “Jedis”. 
that’s right. that’s what I am calling them. even if they don’t know it quite yet.
They need a shout out stat.

About melissaivyphotography

Photos are my love language. Phoenix Photographer
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1 Response to Challenge 3 & 4

  1. UGH. I posted a comment and now it's gone. Pain in the hindside… All these stupid logins and passwords just to communicate!!What kind of camera did you get? Photography is amazingly fulfilling and I am glad you are enjoying it. I just posted pics of Mexico and also of butterflies and Brookfield Zoo.That juice looks interesting what with the layered look. For layers, I prefer a Black n Tan lol. But there's a concoction I really like made with celery, honeydew melon and fresh ginger which is pretty yummy. :)Hope to hear from you soon. Glad you are doing well. xoxo Love, Aunt Karen

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