
This is a test.

Testing. one. two.

I think it’s time that I stop using my family blog to post about my little journey with photography.

It’s just not fair to my hubster and pup. And for some reason, wordpress seemed like a step up in the blogging world.

So without further ado, I present to you

Capture Photography

Fancy, right??

Here is my little blurp on the why.

I think there is a lot of brokeness in this world. A lot. But at the same time, you get glimpses of beauty every day. And that beauty is what I want to be able to capture.

So a while back, I did a big girl like thing and reserved the trade name of Capture Photography.

Big deal, right?

(Apparently it’s a big deal to all the people who have been trying to call me to help “establish” my business. Little do they know I don’t answer my phone for strangers, especially the ones that want me to spend money)

People seem to enjoy photos that I take of them. That makes my heart happy and makes me feel as though I am accomplishing my little “capture goal,” if you will.

Don’t get me wrong. I by no means consider myself a professional photographer and still have an unimaginable amount to learn. I am an amateur and am looking forward to continuing to share my adventures and mishaps with all of you.

Let’s be real, it’s too embarrassingly entertaining not to.

I couldn’t end this thing without at least one photo. So here is a photo I posted in black and white but I also LOVE it in color.

This is my very first bride, Christy!

Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful.

I have to say this is a little bit scary. Making a whole blog about photography and putting it all out there in a more formal way (than just my family blog). But at some point I was probably going to do it. So, the timing of this is dedicated to my friend,Will, who passed away a year ago this weekend. He was an incredibly hard worker. He went after his passions with his entire heart and didn’t stop until he accomplished great things. Photography has quickly become one of my passions and something that brings me great joy.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

About melissaivyphotography

Photos are my love language. Phoenix Photographer
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2 Responses to Capture

  1. Congrats. It looks beautiful.

  2. Laura Duerr says:

    You have an eye for making people look good!
    Love the name as well. Not everyone can catch a good look of every day people.
    Best wishes and keep up the good work!

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