a greater time in our lives

These next few days you are invited to journey back with me to last week
…to a great timer in our lives…
known to most as “spring break”

We moseyed on over to Illinois to visit friends and family.
I’m pretty sure we hit at least two cities a day and ate everything in sight.

And let me just say that we are greatly aware of the gas prices.
Not cool, gas peeps, not cool.

The first night we spent with Josh’s aunt and her family.
As well as Josh’s brother and his girlfriend.
We ate too much deep dish pizza and drank some delicious wine.

Before we headed out the next morning, we got to grab a few shots of this fun, energetic (dare I say loud?) family.


The picture above is certainly not my finest moment.
But I’m banking on the fact that they will come visit AZ soon and we can try again.

P.S. Isn’t Jesse the dog’s mohawk awesome?
Wrigley is way too jealous.

About melissaivyphotography

Photos are my love language. Phoenix Photographer
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