who’s melissa?

24. wife. teacher. puppy mama.

i like to capture beautiful moments in life. and then share those adventures.

Let’s dissect a little bit.

24: Can you believe I am going to be 25 this summer? I’m almost a full grown up. If you could let me in on when you know when you’re officially a grown up, that’d be great.

wife: Below you can see my handsome hubs, Josh. We’re working on 3 whole years of marriage. Don’t you love those eyes?

teacher: During the day I am a teacher of children who are deaf and hard of hearing. They are preschoolers. It gets kinda crazy, ladies and gents.

puppy mama: We have a ten pound monster named Wrigley. He is two and we probably treat him too much like a child.

capture and share: I am falling head over heels for this photography thing. I have always, always wanted to do photography but never had the opportunity. After saving my hard earned teacher pennies, I bought my first camera! Slowly but surely I am learning my way around the beautifully complicated thing and all that goes along with it. I am a second shooter and editor with A Moment In Time Photography and am continually learning as an amateur professional should šŸ™‚ What I have learned so far is that every life experience, newborn to wedding, is an adventure and how important is to have those memories down the road. Capturing those moments for people is so rewarding…and let’s be honest, a lot of fun.

I’m also learning that I am so incredibly not tech or social media savvy. I’m just so proud I was able to throw this little blog together.

whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
Colossians 3:23

leave some pieces of love