Author Archives: melissaivyphotography

About melissaivyphotography

Photos are my love language. Phoenix Photographer


We decided to hang out around our alma mater in between visits with friends. Even though we’ve only been gone for a couple years, things changed too much for my taste. See some of our favorite ilstu things. The best … Continue reading

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I55 Adventure

On Monday, we drove from the burbs to Blo-No. Central Illinois is a fairly boring place. I tend to fall asleep like a baby when we drive anywhere for longer than 20 minutes. But not that day. I was determined … Continue reading

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Dress Up

The second night we headed over to my parents house and hung out with all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. (we’ll…most of them..some were too cool to make an appearance :)) I will say it was pretty awesome that … Continue reading

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a greater time in our lives

These next few days you are invited to journey back with me to last week …to a great timer in our lives… known to most as “spring break” We moseyed on over to Illinois to visit friends and family. I’m … Continue reading

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It’s still a process people.

We just got back from Chicago last night. It was a long day but let me just say this From now on I will save editing for plane rides. The flight went by SO fast. I worked on some more … Continue reading

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Indecisive Melissa

I have many weaknesses. One of them happens to be indecisiveness. It really is unfortunate not only for me, but everyone involved with any decision I have to make. Enter Melissa Ivy  Sorry about that. I made a name and … Continue reading

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My Little Pretty

I recently won a camera bag from ONA on this amazing blog, Color Issue. The task was simple. 1. Follow Color Issue 2. Leave a comment with what color you would want and how you shared it (on Facebook, your … Continue reading

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This is a test. Testing. one. two. I think it’s time that I stop using my family blog to post about my little journey with photography. It’s just not fair to my hubster and pup. And for some reason, wordpress … Continue reading

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I’m A Wedding Photographer: Take 2

I did my first ever solo wedding yesterday. I looked up tips for new wedding photographers and there was all this scary stuff like  “you have no idea what your doing” “you’re not prepared” “hire the couple a real wedding … Continue reading

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So Excited.

I am so stinkin excited. I entered to win a absolutely fabulous bag designed specifically for cameras. (On this blog) First of all, let’s just state the obvious. I could NEVER afford this 3 digit number (not that it’s not … Continue reading

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